KidsLab4Sustainability Online Course

An online course to introduce STEAM for sustainability to preschool education.
To participate in the course, you must be logged in.

Created by: KidsLab4Sustainability

Language: English

You will learn

Sustainable Development (ESD)

Understand and promote Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) by exploring it holistically. Analyze the interconnection of SDGs, prioritize ethical decision-making, and identify causes and effects of socio-environmental issues. Teach ecological awareness and sustainable practices through innovative strategies and the integration of ESD and Global Citizenship education into curricula.

Outdoor Education

Learn what outdoor education means and what enables children to learn through and from nature. Get to know the key pedagogical theories associated to outdoor education. Acquire tools and advice for educators on how to engage preschool children with learning outdoors and promote the incorporation of outdoor education into the curriculums.

STEAM as educational strategy in sustainable education

Learn about STEAM education: what it is, what are its origins, its values, and what differentiates it from traditional education. Discover STEAM competences and how to develop them in preschool education. Understand selected methods of STEAM education which might be used on preschool level and how to use inquiry-based learning in educational practice.

Teaching and learning through relationships

Learn about the value of attuned relationships and learn through play in early childhood education. Explor methods to measure and nurture attuned relationships with children and to play as a pedagogical practice. Acquire methods and tools of self assessment through video analysis for your educational practices.

Contents of the Course

Modules: 4

Lessons: 12

Total duration: 02 h 37 min

Certificate of attendance: fill in the evaluation form to receive it

Module 1 - Sustainable Development (ESD) | 3 lessons - 39 min

Lesson 1.1 – What does Sustainability or Sustainable Development mean? 14 min START
Lesson 1.2 – What does Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) mean? 14 min START
Lesson 1.3 Teaching-learning strategies for transformation in learning and ESD 11 min START
Minivideo – Creating Seed Bombs 05 min WATCH
Module 2 - Outdoor Education | 3 lessons - 22 min

Lesson 2.1 – What is Outdoor Education and what is not? 10 min START
Lesson 2.2 – Pedagogical foundations of Outdoor Education 05 min START
Lesson 2.3 – Outdoor Education in practice 07 min START
Minivideo We observe under a log 01 min WATCH

Module 3 - STEAM as educational strategy in sustainable education | 3 lessons - 71 min

Lesson 3.1 – The origins and educational value of STEAM approach 15 min START
Lesson 3.2 – Core STEAM competences 30 min START
Lesson 3.3 – Methodology of STEAM approach 26 min START
Minivideo STEAM Challenges 3 min WATCH

Module 4 - Teaching and learning through relationships | 3 lessons - 25 min

Lesson 4.1 – Attuned Relationships 12 min START
Lesson 4.2 – Play 08 min START
Lesson 4.3 – Engage in Self Assessment through Video Analysis 05 min START
Minivideo Attuned interactions 05 min WATCH

Evaluation form | Receive your certificate

Online Course evaluation – Help us improve! Leave your feedback for this online course. You will receive your certificate of attendance at the end of the form.
01 min GO TO FORM

The course includes

Video resources Numerous videos both from external organizations and created by the K4S community.
Outer resources Links to external articles, research papers and activity resources to expand your knowledge and practice.
Free access You can access the lessons in your preferred order and frequency, as many times as you want. 
Final survey Want to contribute to the K4S project? Let us know your opinion on the course!

Course recipients


This course was designed for educators, teachers and parents who have an interest in approaching outdoor education for preschool children, with a particular focus on Sustainability. It is free and open to everyone.

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