Tag: spring

Inquinamento atmosferico

atmosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Bottiglia per compost

geosphere, winter,summer, spring, autumn

Realizzare un mini giardino terrario

hydrosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Make a terrarium mini garden

hydrosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Esperimento olio e sapone

hydrosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Oil and Soap Experiment

hydrosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Incantare i vermi

geosphere, ,biosphere spring

Worm charming

geosphere, ,biosphere spring

Prepara un dessert dell’ecosistema oceanico

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, summer, spring, autumn, summer

Make an Ocean Ecosystem Dessert

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, summer, spring, autumn, summer

Crea un paralume da giardino

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Make a Garden Lampshade

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Giardino per animali

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Garden for animals

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Catturare le tracce

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Catching Tracks

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Bruchi mimetici

hydrosphere, summer

Camouflage caterpillars

hydrosphere, summer

Bentornata Primavera!

spring, atmosphere

Welcome back, Spring!

spring, atmosphere

Beneficial Bat House

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Costruire una casa per pipistrelli

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Escultura amb peces de la natura

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

Comprovar la transpiració de la planta

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

Observar el fototropisme

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Simulació d’evaporació i pluja

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

Tsunami a la vista!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Un terratrèmol en acció

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

El volcà entra en erupció!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Oceà de plàstic

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

Vida sota l’aigua

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

La patrulla que salva el planeta!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

L’aire és net?

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

Oh, mel,mel!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Pol-linització: ¡La súper abella!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

El color del cel

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

Observació de l’ametller

winter, spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Estacions de l’any al Jardí Botànic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Rutes per al parc de Montjuic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Convertir el gel en aigua

spring, hydrosphere

Convertir l’aigua en gel

spring, hydrosphere

Bosses perfumades

spring, biosphere

Farem un ambientador

spring, biosphere

El jardí de les aromes

spring, biosphere

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