Time: More than 1 day

Compostiera e utili lombrichi

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Captura l’aigua

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

¡Capturamos agua!

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Jardí asfixiant sense cavar

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Jardín Asfixiante sin Cavar

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Cafeteria de Reparacions

autumn, biosphere

Pati de Restauracions

autumn, biosphere

Patio de Restauraciones

autumn, biosphere

Banc d’Amics

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Camí de la Pau

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere


winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Festa de Tardor sense Malbaratament

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

El Lloc Tranquil

autumn, biosphere

Compostador i cucs útils

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Banco de Amigos

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Camino de la Paz

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere


winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Fiesta de Otoño sin Desperdicio

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

El Lugar Tranquilo

autumn, biosphere

Catturare l’acqua

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Giardino soffocante

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Panchina amica

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Cantiere di recupero

autumn, biosphere

Czy powietrze jest czyste?

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

Transpiracja roślin jako przykład rozwijania umiejętności STEAM

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

„Ratujmy naszą planetę” – zakładamy patrol ekologiczny!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Ogród zapachów

spring, biosphere

Rzeźby inspirowane naturą

spring, autumn, winter, summer, atmosphere

Kompost w butelce

geosphere, winter,summer, spring, autumn

Ampolla de compostat

geosphere, winter,summer, spring, autumn

Botella de compost

geosphere, winter,summer, spring, autumn

Compostador y lombrices útiles

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Repair cafe

autumn, biosphere

Water capture

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Ogród bez kopania – poznajemy gatunki inwazyjne

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Kącik recyklingu

autumn, biosphere

Ławka przyjaźni

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Ścieżka pokoju

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Hugelkulture – wzniesiona grządka

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Witaj wiosno!

spring, atmosphere

Comprobar la transpiración de la planta

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

Observar el fototropismo

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Sentiero di pace

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere


winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Festa d’autunno senza sprechi!

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Il posto tranquillo

autumn, biosphere

¡La patrulla que salva el planeta!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

¿Está limpio el aire?

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

El jardin de los aromas

spring, biosphere

Scultura con pezzi della natura

spring, autumn, winter, summer, atmosphere

Controllare la traspirazione delle piante

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere, biosphere

Fototropismo delle piante

spring, autumn, winter, summer, biosphere

L’aria è pulita?

spring, autumn, winter, summer, atmosphere

La pattuglia del pianeta-salvataggio!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Oh miele, miele!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, biosphere

Il giardino degli odori

spring, biosphere

Jesienne przyjęcie – bez odpadów!

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Ciche miejsce

autumn, biosphere

Bottiglia per compost

geosphere, winter,summer, spring, autumn

Compost Bottle

geosphere, winter

Bentornata Primavera!

spring, atmosphere

Welcome back, Spring!

spring, atmosphere

Comprovar la transpiració de la planta

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

Observar el fototropisme

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

La patrulla que salva el planeta!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

L’aire és net?

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

El jardí de les aromes

spring, biosphere

Composter and useful earthworms

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Checking the plants transpiration

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

Plants phototropism

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

The save-planet patrol

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Is the air clean?

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

The garden of smells

spring, biosphere

No Waste Winter Fiesta

winter, biosphere

Warsztat naprawy zabawek

autumn, biosphere

Build Peace Path

autumn, biosphere, geosphere


winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

The Quiet Place

autumn, biosphere

Łapanie wody

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

No Dig Smothering Garden

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

No Waste Summer Fiesta

summer, biosphere

No Waste Spring Fiesta

spring, biosphere

Restoration Yard

autumn, biosphere

Buddy Bench

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

No Waste Autumn Fiesta

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Waste Not Clothes Swap

winter, biosphere

Co kryje się w glebie?

spring, geosphere

Kompostownik i pożyteczne dżdżownice

spring, biosphere, geosphere

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