STEAM Domain: Mathematics (M)

Mirar el cel per a nadons

autumn, spring, summer, winter, atmosphere

Mirar el cielo para bebés

autumn, spring, summer, winter, atmosphere

Hora de la funció

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Hora de la función

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Agua a nuestro alrededor – llegando a conocer el ciclo natural del agua

spring, autumn, summer, winter, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Cultivo de fresas en un jardín preescolar

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Aigua al nostre voltant – arribant a conèixer el cicle natural de l’aigua

spring, autumn, summer, winter, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Cultiu de maduixes en un jardí preescolar

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Salud del océano

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Salvemos nuestros mares

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Día de playa sin dejar rastro

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Preparando el escenario

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Cocina de barro para bebes

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Bombas de semillas para bebés

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Bombes de llavors per a nadons

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Cuina de fang per a nadons

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Dia de platja sense deixar rastre

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Salvem els nostres mars

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Salut de l’Oceà

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Preparant l’Escenari

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

L’acqua intorno a noi – Conoscere il ciclo naturale dell’acqua

spring, autumn, summer, winter, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Osservare il cielo per i bambini

autumn, spring, summer, winter, atmosphere

Facciamo la spesa e cuciniamo!

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere

Cucina del fango per bambini

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Bombe di semi per bambini

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Giornata in spiaggia “Non lasciare tracce”

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Il semaforo degli alimenti

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere

Si va in scena!

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Salviamo i nostri mari

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

La salute dell’oceano

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Preparare il palco

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, autumn

The food traffic light

spring, biosphere,

El semàfor dels aliments

spring, biosphere,

Bomby nasienne dla dzieci

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Kuchnia błotna dla dzieci

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Wpatrywanie się w niebo – zajęcia dla dzieci

autumn, spring, summer, winter, atmosphere

Fem la compra i cuinem!

spring, biosphere, summer, winter, autumn

¡Hacemos la compra y cocinamos!

spring, biosphere, summer, winter, autumn

Idziemy na zakupy i gotujemy

spring, biosphere, summer, winter, autumn

We go shopping and cook!

spring, biosphere, winter, summer, autumn

Ratujmy nasze morza

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Zdrowie oceanu

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Czas na przedstawienie!

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Przygotowywanie scenografii

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Water around us – getting to know the natural water cycle

spring, autumn, summer, winter, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Growing strawberries in a preschool garden

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Water as a source of energy – constructing a water turbine

spring, autumn, summer, winter, hydrosphere

Woda źródłem energii – konstruowanie turbiny wodnej

spring, autumn, summer, winter, hydrosphere

Nie zostawiamy śladów – Dzień na plaży

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Leave no trace beach day

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Sky Gazing for babies

autumn, spring, summer, winter, atmosphere

Seedbombs for babies

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Mud Kitchen for babies

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Save our Seas

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Ocean health

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere


spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Setting the Stage

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Woda dookoła nas – poznajemy obieg wody w przyrodzie

spring, autumn, summer, winter, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Dbamy o nasze truskawki

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Construyendo una plomada

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Construint una plomada

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Captura l’aigua

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

¡Capturamos agua!

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Jardí asfixiant sense cavar

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Jardín Asfixiante sin Cavar

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Construir un forn de pizza

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Horno de leña para pizzas

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Fent foc

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Hacer fuego

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Buscant llenya

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Búsqueda de leña

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Coneix els picapedrers

winter, geosphere

Conoce a los Picapiedra

winter, geosphere

Cafeteria de Reparacions

autumn, biosphere

Pati de Restauracions

autumn, biosphere

Patio de Restauraciones

autumn, biosphere

Banc d’Amics

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Camí de la Pau

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere


winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Festa de Tardor sense Malbaratament

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Cervell de coliflor

autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

No giris la tapa

autumn, biosphere

Per què volen els avions? – construint un avió

winter, summers, autumn, spring, atmosphere

Quines petjades estem deixant a la Terra? – crear consciència ambiental

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Terra – la casa comuna – Cuidant el nostre planeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Tierra – Nuestra casa – Cuidando nuestro planeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

Perché l’aereo vola? – Costruire un aereo

winter, summers, autumn, spring, atmosphere

Perché gli oggetti cadono a terra? – Sperimentare la gravità

winter, summers, autumn, spring, atmosphere

Quali tracce lasciamo sulla Terra? – Maturare consapevolezza ecologica

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Terra, la nostra casa comune! – Prendersi cura del nostro pianeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

Banco de Amigos

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Camino de la Paz

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere


winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Fiesta de Otoño sin Desperdicio

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Cervell de coliflor

autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

Catturare l’acqua

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Livella ad A

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Giardino soffocante

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Costruire un forno per pizza

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Accendere un fuoco

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Cercare legna da ardere

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Panchina amica

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Cantiere di recupero

autumn, biosphere

„Ratujmy naszą planetę” – zakładamy patrol ekologiczny!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Och miód, miód!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Zapylanie: Super pszczoła!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Obserwacja drzewa migdałowego

winter, spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Pory roku w Ogrodzie Botanicznym w Barcelonie (Park Montjuic)

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Ścieżki w parku Montjuic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Pory roku i sztuka w fundacji Miró

spring, autumn, atmosphere

Tsunami na horyzoncie

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Trzęsienie Ziemi

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Tropienie śladów

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Registrant petjades d’animals

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Atrapando huellas

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Kamuflaż gąsienic

hydrosphere, summer

Erugues de Camuflatge

hydrosphere, summer

Orugas de Camuflaje

hydrosphere, summer

¿Por qué vuelan los aviones? – construyendo una aeronave

winter, summers, autumn, spring, atmosphere

¿Qué huellas estamos dejando en la Tierra? – crear conciencia ambiental

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Tierra – Nuestra casa – Cuidando nuestro planeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

Kto to jest uchodźca klimatyczny?

summer, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Who is a „climate refugee”?

summer, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Repair cafe

autumn, biosphere

Water capture

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Ramka poziomująca

autumn, winter, spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Ogród bez kopania – poznajemy gatunki inwazyjne

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Budowa pieca do pizzy

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Rozpalanie ogniska

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Poszukiwanie drewna opałowego

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Poznajemy krzesiwo

winter, geosphere

Kącik recyklingu

autumn, biosphere

Ławka przyjaźni

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Ścieżka pokoju

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Hugelkulture – wzniesiona grządka

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

¡Tsunami a la vista!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Un terremoto en acción

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Vida bajo el agua

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

¡Oh miel, miel!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Polinización: ¡La súper abeja!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Sentiero di pace

winter, biosphere, hydrosphere


winter, biosphere, hydrosphere

Festa d’autunno senza sprechi!

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Cervello di cavolfiore

autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

¡La patrulla que salva el planeta!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

La observación del almendro

winter, spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Las estaciones del año en el Jardín Botánico

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Rutas por el parque de Montjuic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Convertir el agua en hielo

spring, hydrosphere

Tsunami in vista!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Un terremoto in azione

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

La pattuglia del pianeta-salvataggio!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Oh miele, miele!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, biosphere

Impollinazione: la super ape!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, biosphere

Osservare un albero di mandorle

spring, autumn, winter, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere

Le stagioni dell’anno nell’orto botanico

spring, autumn, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere

Percorsi del parco del Montjuic

spring, autumn, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere

Stagioni e arte alla Fondazione Mirò

spring, autumn, atmosphere

Jesienne przyjęcie – bez odpadów!

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

Mózg z Kalafiora

autumn, biosphere, hydrosphere

Nie wpadaj w złość

autumn, biosphere

Catturare le tracce

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Catching Tracks

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Bruchi mimetici

hydrosphere, summer

Camouflage caterpillars

hydrosphere, summer

Tsunami a la vista!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Un terratrèmol en acció

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Vida sota l’aigua

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

La patrulla que salva el planeta!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Oh, mel,mel!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Pol-linització: ¡La súper abella!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Observació de l’ametller

winter, spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Estacions de l’any al Jardí Botànic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Rutes per al parc de Montjuic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Convertir l’aigua en gel

spring, hydrosphere

Anemochoria and anemophily

autumn, atmosphere

Why do objects fall to the ground?

autumn, winter, spring, summer, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

What traces do we leave on Earth?

autumn, winter, spring, summer, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Earth – our common home!

autumn, winter, spring, summer, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Is it really getting hot?

winter, hydrosphere

Why is the ice melting?

winter, hydrosphere

Tsunami in sight!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

An earthquake in action

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Gaudí and the waves of the sea

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

Life below water

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

The save-planet patrol

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Oh, honey, honey!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Pollination: The super bee!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

The observation of almond tree

winter, spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Seasons of the year in the Botanical Garden

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Paths by Montjuic Park

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

To turn water into ice

spring, hydrosphere

Foraging for Firewood

winter, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Meet the Flintstones

winter, geosphere

No Waste Winter Fiesta

winter, biosphere

Warsztat naprawy zabawek

autumn, biosphere

Build Peace Path

autumn, biosphere, geosphere

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