Time: Long activities

Creant l’hort sostenible

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Hora de la funció

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Hora de la función

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Quina és la història?

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

¿Cuál es la historia?

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Gotas que caen de las nubes: aprender cómo se forma la lluvia

spring, autumn, summer, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Cultivo de fresas en un jardín preescolar

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Gotes que cauen dels núvols: aprendre com es forma la pluja

spring, autumn, summer, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Cultiu de maduixes en un jardí preescolar

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Salud del océano

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Salvemos nuestros mares

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Día de playa sin dejar rastro

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Preparando el escenario

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Dia de platja sense deixar rastre

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Salvem els nostres mars

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Salut de l’Oceà

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Preparant l’Escenari

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Creando el huerto sostenible

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Gocce che cadono dalle nuvole – imparare come si forma la pioggia

spring, autumn, summer, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Che faccia ha quell’uovo!

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere

Facciamo la spesa e cuciniamo!

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere

Giornata in spiaggia “Non lasciare tracce”

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Il semaforo degli alimenti

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere

Si va in scena!

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Salviamo i nostri mari

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

La salute dell’oceano

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Preparare il palco

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Qual è la storia?

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, atmosphere, autumn


spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere, autumn

Pot Eggs!

spring, biosphere, atomsphere, summer, autumn, winter

Riutilizziamo: costruzione di strumenti musicali con materiale riciclato

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

Ricicliamo: in classe e in cortile

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Riduciamo: svegliamoci

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

Elaboriamo un diario di campo

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

Cosa fanno le lumache in giardino?

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

Uova di terra!

spring, biosphere, atomsphere, summer, autumn, winter

Elaborem un diari de camp

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

Elaboramos un diario de campo

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

Prowadzimy dziennik obserwacji terenowej

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

We prepare a field diary

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

Què fan els llimacs a l’hort?

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

¿Qué hacen las babosas en el huerto?

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

Co ślimaki robią w ogrodzie?

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

What do slugs do in the garden?

spring, biosphere, atmosphere, summer

The food traffic light

spring, biosphere,

El semàfor dels aliments

spring, biosphere,

Reutilitzem: construcció d’instruments amb material reciclat

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

Reciclem: a la classe i al pati

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Reduïm: despertem

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

Ous test!

spring, biosphere, atomsphere, summer, autumn, winter

Vaja cara que té aquest ou!

spring, biosphere, summer, autumn, winter

Fem la compra i cuinem!

spring, biosphere, summer, winter, autumn

Reutilizamos: construcción de instrumentos musicales con material reciclado

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

Reciclamos: en la clase y en el patio

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Reducimos: despertamos

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

¡Huevos maceta!

spring, biosphere, atomsphere, summer, autumn, winter

¡Vaya cara que tiene ese huevo!

spring, biosphere, summer, autumn, winter

¡Hacemos la compra y cocinamos!

spring, biosphere, summer, winter, autumn

Doniczki z jajka!

spring, biosphere, atomsphere, summer, autumn, winter

Ponownie wykorzystujemy materiały – instrumenty muzyczne z recyklingu

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

Recykling w sali i na podwórku

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Obudź się! Redukujemy ilość śmieci

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

Jaką twarz ma to jajko!

spring, biosphere, summer, autumn, winter

Idziemy na zakupy i gotujemy

spring, biosphere, summer, winter, autumn

We go shopping and cook!

spring, biosphere, winter, summer, autumn

We reuse: construction of musical instruments with recycled material

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

We recycle: in the classroom and in the yard

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

We reduce: we wake up

spring, summer, autumn, winter, biosphere, atmosphere

What face that egg has!

spring, biosphere, autumn, summer, winter

Tworzenie zrównoważonego ogródka warzywnego

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Creating the sustainable vegetable garden

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Creazione dell’orto sostenibile

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Ratujmy nasze morza

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Zdrowie oceanu

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Czas na przedstawienie!

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Przygotowywanie scenografii

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Co za historia!

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Drops falling from the clouds – learning how rain is formed

spring, autumn, summer, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Growing strawberries in a preschool garden

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Nie zostawiamy śladów – Dzień na plaży

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Leave no trace beach day

hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, summer

Save our Seas

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, atmosphere

Ocean health

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere


spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Setting the Stage

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

What’s the Story

spring, autumn, biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Krople spadające z chmur – czyli uczymy się jak powstaje deszcz

spring, autumn, summer, hydrosphere, atmosphere

Dbamy o nasze truskawki

spring, biosphere, hydrosphere

Gaudí y las olas del mar

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Gaudí i les onades del mar

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Viaggi dei lombrichi

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Quines petjades estem deixant a la Terra? – crear consciència ambiental

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Terra – la casa comuna – Cuidant el nostre planeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Tierra – Nuestra casa – Cuidando nuestro planeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

El camí del cuc

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Perché gli oggetti cadono a terra? – Sperimentare la gravità

winter, summers, autumn, spring, atmosphere

Quali tracce lasciamo sulla Terra? – Maturare consapevolezza ecologica

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Terra, la nostra casa comune! – Prendersi cura del nostro pianeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

Och miód, miód!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Zapylanie: Super pszczoła!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Kolor nieba

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

Obserwacja drzewa migdałowego

winter, spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Pory roku w Ogrodzie Botanicznym w Barcelonie (Park Montjuic)

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Ścieżki w parku Montjuic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Pory roku i sztuka w fundacji Miró

spring, autumn, atmosphere

Zamiana lodu w wodę

spring, hydrosphere

Lody owocowe

spring, biosphere

Zamiana wody w lód

spring, hydrosphere

Tsunami na horyzoncie

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Trzęsienie Ziemi

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Wulkan wybucha!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Plastikowy Ocean

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Gaudí i fale morskie

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Życie pod wodą

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Zanieczyszczenie powietrza

atmosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Contaminació de l’aire

atmosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Contaminación del aire

atmosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Topnienie lodowców

hydrosphere, winter

Desgel de les glaceres

hydrosphere, winter

Zaczarowane dżdżownice

geosphere, ,biosphere spring

Cuc encantat

geosphere, ,biosphere spring

Gusano encantador

geosphere, ,biosphere spring

Przygotowanie deseru o „ekosystemie oceanu”

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, summer, spring, autumn, summer

Fes unes postres d’ecosistema oceànic

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, summer, spring, autumn, summer

Haz unos postres de ecosistema oceánico

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, summer, spring, autumn, summer

Wykonanie abażuru ogrodowego

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Fer una pantalla de làmpada de jardí

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Hacer una pantalla de lámpara de jardín

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Ogród dla zwierząt

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Jardí per a animals

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Jardín para animales

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Tropienie śladów

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Registrant petjades d’animals

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Atrapando huellas

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Kamuflaż gąsienic

hydrosphere, summer

Erugues de Camuflatge

hydrosphere, summer

Orugas de Camuflaje

hydrosphere, summer

Zalety domku dla nietoperzy

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

El mar puja

hydrosphere, summer

El mar está subiendo

hydrosphere, summer

Un mar d’oli

hydrosphere, summer

Un mar de aceite

hydrosphere, summer

Experiment sensorial

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Experimento sensorial

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Casa de Ratpenats

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Casa de Murciélagos

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

¿Qué huellas estamos dejando en la Tierra? – crear conciencia ambiental

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

La Tierra – Nuestra casa – Cuidando nuestro planeta

winter, summers, autumn, spring, biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere hydrosphere

Kto to jest uchodźca klimatyczny?

summer, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

Who is a „climate refugee”?

summer, biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere

El camino de la lombriz

spring, biosphere, geosphere

Morze ropy

hydrosphere, summer

Jesienny eksperyment sensoryczny

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Escultura con trozos de naturaleza

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

Simulación de evaporación y lluvia en un acuario

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

¡Tsunami a la vista!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Un terremoto en acción

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

¡El volcán entra en erupción!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

Océano de plástico

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

Vida bajo el agua

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

¡Oh miel, miel!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

Polinización: ¡La súper abeja!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, biosphere

El color del cielo

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

La observación del almendro

winter, spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Las estaciones del año en el Jardín Botánico

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Rutas por el parque de Montjuic

spring, autumn, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere

Helados de frutas

spring, biosphere

Convertir el agua en hielo

spring, hydrosphere

Convertir el hielo en agua

spring, hydrosphere

Hacemos un ambientador

spring, biosphere

Simulazione dell’evaporazione e della pioggia in un acquario

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Tsunami in vista!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Un terremoto in azione

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Il vulcano erutta!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, geosphere

Oceano di plastica

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Gaudì e le onde del mare

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Vita sott’acqua

spring, autumn, winter, summer, hydrosphere

Impollinazione: la super ape!

spring, autumn, winter, summer, biosphere

Il colore del cielo

spring, autumn, winter, summer, atmosphere,

Osservare un albero di mandorle

spring, autumn, winter, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere

Le stagioni dell’anno nell’orto botanico

spring, autumn, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere

Percorsi del parco del Montjuic

spring, autumn, atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere

Stagioni e arte alla Fondazione Mirò

spring, autumn, atmosphere

Gelato alla frutta

spring, biosphere

Air pollution

atmosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Inquinamento atmosferico

atmosphere, spring, summer, autumn, winter

Scioglimento dei ghiacciai

hydrosphere, winter

Glacier melt

hydrosphere, winter

Incantare i vermi

geosphere, ,biosphere spring

Worm charming

geosphere, ,biosphere spring

Prepara un dessert dell’ecosistema oceanico

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, summer, spring, autumn, summer

Make an Ocean Ecosystem Dessert

geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, summer, spring, autumn, summer

Crea un paralume da giardino

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Make a Garden Lampshade

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Giardino per animali

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Garden for animals

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Catturare le tracce

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Catching Tracks

geosphere, biosphere, summer, spring, autumn

Bruchi mimetici

hydrosphere, summer

Camouflage caterpillars

hydrosphere, summer

Il mare si sta alzando

hydrosphere, summer

The sea is rising

hydrosphere, summer

Un mare di petrolio

hydrosphere, summer

A sea of oil

hydrosphere, summer

Esperimento sensoriale – i suoni dell’autunno

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Sensory experiment – the sounds of autumn

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Beneficial Bat House

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Costruire una casa per pipistrelli

spring, summer, winter, autumn, geosphere,biosphere

Escultura amb peces de la natura

winter, spring, summer, autumn, atmosphere

Simulació d’evaporació i pluja

winter, spring, summer, autumn, hydrosphere

Tsunami a la vista!

winter, spring, summer, autumn, geosphere

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